08 March 2010

Out of Hibernation

"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task."
William James, American philosopher.

Hello? Hello?

Is this thing on?

Got so busy with the kid and work and life that I've had to let the blog go into hibernation. I've posted more stuff on Facebook, so find me there if you want to see more. I'm hoping to get back on top of the blog soon. Especially more essays, travel writings, dreams, etc.

We'll see...

The kid is doing great, as are Stacie and myself. Sennet is almost 9 months old and he's developed a great personality.

He loves to laugh, seems like a happy kid. No teeth as of yet, and no crawling. But I have been taking him to swimming lessons, and we've been walking with him and the dogs, going to the park to swing, etc. Normal kid stuff. He's sleeping through the night for the most part now, so we are all doing much better. Out of the haze of sleep deprivation.

Here are a few pix & vids:

KJT - Seattle (2010)
(Top three photos by Sara Tro, Sennet & Kramer by Stacie, vid by Stacie.)

1 comment:

Catherine Reynolds said...

You have a baby! That's what you've been up to! I hope to bump into you guys at the farmer's market one of these days. -Catherine