22 January 2009

Bacon Nirvana!

"Mmm ... bacon"
- Homer Simpson, Nuclear Safety Inspector, bacon lover

I wasn't sure it could get any better than the
but this may be the top of the mountain!

Granted, I haven't tried it yet. But I will... oh, yes... I will!!

Behold, the goodness that is, the BACON EXPLOSION:

Step 1: create the bacon weave; Step 2: season

Step 3: add sausage layer; Step 4: add second, cooked bacon layer w/ BBQ sauce

Step 5: roll sausage tightly; Step 6: roll bacon weave & season, place on grill

Step 7: grill till center is 165° (1 hour/inch thickness); Step 8: slather BBQ sauce

Step 9: enter heaven.

This unbelievable goodness comes from the geniuses at
BBQ Addicts
I'm going to lobby Obama to give them a medal.
(And MUCH thanks to my friend & bacon comrade, BF, for the head's up...)

KJT - Seattle (2009)


Lara said...

this one?

: )

KJT said...


BF kemyooter said...

Just doing my job and spreading the Bacon Gospel.

Pyzahn said...

Hey...greetings from the flatlands. I am going through blogger and visiting everyone who listed bacon as an "interest". Gotta love folks who think fatty strips of pork are akin to a hobby.

That's some wild bacon food stuffs you've got pictured here. "Am I in heaven?...No, you are in Baconville."

Too, too funny. And you would not believe how many folks have this affinity for breakfast meat. We gotta start a club.

spookyrach said...

I'm the first club member from Pyzahn's Bacon Club. (Hmm...does the bacon make it a club?)

Love your stuff so far. And that Log O' Bacon and Stuff is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
